Apr 14, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

I didn't listen to the News Conference but I have a picture in my mind of how AK 47's first discussion with Gar Forman went. AK 47 "So, I thought Thibs was doing a hell of a job here. What happened between him with you and Pax?" Gar "Well we didn't like how things were going so we had someone on the inside of his coaching team inform us every day what was transpiring" AK 47 "So, you spied on him?" Gar "Yes" AK 47 "Did you ever think of speaking to him man to man" Gar "uhh umm" AK 47 "Is it true that you told Rose, Noah and Butler that they didn't have to listen to him while he was actively the coach of the Bulls?" Gar "Yes, but that was because.." AK 47 "You are fired!"

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AK 4-7!!

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Apr 14, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

Poor Boylen, so pathetic but I don't blame him for doing everything he can to hang on. He would be a decent assistant college coach somewhere in my opinion. I could see him on Chris Collins staff as like the 3rd assistant, getting the intensity going in practice.

That being said, I am fired up. Put me on the pre order list for one of those shirts. Pumped to see what The Renaissance Man/BIG ART/Picasso/AKFOR-7/The Karnivore/Karnage has in store for this off season. Its a good time to be a Chicagoan, and I call for an SGTGC sponsored party where we rent out a section of a bar with all the money we saved by not having to pay out our bookies for the Bulls future, with a VIP list that consists of one man and one man only- Our Lord and Savior.

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I guarantee your request for a party once this is all over will be granted.

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God Bless

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