Oct 7, 2021Liked by Andrew Donlan

Kings Back!!!

Starting with the Bears- I've tried to follow along with the "decision" of who will be starting at QB and it comes down to Nagy being a people pleaser who sucks at his job. I genuinely think that when him and Pace brought on Dalton- they didn't have any idea they could nab Fields in the draft and promised him that he would be their starting quarterback. Coupled with the fact that it would save their jobs for a little if they sucked with Dalton. This Rubiks cube you eluded to would be such a no brainer decision for a coach/GM not trying to buy time to stick around. I haven't talked to a single Bears fan that stands with Nagy at this point- which is tough to find. I belive Jim Boylen is the worst head coach I've seen in my lifetime in any major sport, but my disdain for Nagy is reaching that level.

Isn't it a little sad how hard we cling to the 1985 Super Bowl? That was 36 years ago. I've made fun of White Sox fans who won't shut up about 2005 but at least they were alive for it.

That being said, I am obviously a Cubs fan but would be fun to see the Sox to some damage. I'll be standing outside of GRate banging a garbage can calling everyone in an Astros jersey I see a scumbag cheater.

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Oh, it's totally to buy themselves time. But they couldn't even do that effectively. If their initial thesis made sense, it would actually have been 1. Dalton 2. Foles 3. Fields.

Once you get to the point in life where you realize talking about the '85 Bears is depressing, there's no going back.

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Oct 7, 2021Liked by Andrew Donlan

First things first, let me know where you got a burger that lasted for 13 bites.

I was a Nagy supporter for way too long and my hand is up for being a dumb sack of shit for it, and I apologize. I never thought anyone in the world outside of Kim Jong-un could do a press conference and be so arrogant, and so blind to their own arrogance. The "everything goes through me" is the biggest slap in the face to Bill Lazor, and I would have to guess the entire locker room wants Nagy's head on a spike. I am very curious who in their "internal conversations" and "collaboration" told Nagy he's a waste of air standing on the Bears sideline, and I want to shake their hand. Ryan Pace is clueless - having the oldest roster in the NFL and no draft capital does not sound like a recipe for success with a rookie quarterback.

Holy hell the Bulls are going to be fun to watch. I don't have too much to say on them other than thank god Lauri is gone, I have never seen a softer 7 footer in NBA history and think I would be hard pressed to find one.

I'll be cheering for the Sox, but don't want to see any success for La Russa so I'm in a bind. Screw that guy.

Go Hawks, Go Bears

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Great to have you back in the comment section. The 13 bites is more alluding to the last 13 games of the season. My burgers last four bites on a down day.

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Oct 7, 2021Liked by Andrew Donlan

Been waiting for this Newsletter for weeks!!!

I only have one thing to say about the Bears. How is it that the Bears Organization has hired the two worst Head Coaches in the history of the NFL in the last 10 years???? They need to fire Nagy immediately. Every day, every minute he does more damage that his successor will have to fix over time. If he is allowed to have ANY involvement in the offense, he will cause Justin Fields to develop bad habits as a result. I have said he was a moron from the first 13-3 season where we won despite him(a la Joe Maddon). Now the national media has caught on and the Bears are the laughing stock of the NFL. Bears Organization is too cheap to do the right thing.

I will cheer for the Sox because I am a Chicagoan unlike my Sox friends.

Can't wait for the Bulls season. Billy Donovan is a defensive coach. Do not worry about their defense, he will not tolerate bad defense. You heard it here first.....50 Wins.

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It's a great point. Marc Trestman and Nagy are both unmitigated disasters, in such a short span of time.

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