Mar 9, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

Your gambling piece reminded me of the time when Zack got super hot during college football. He claimed to have a formula that we thought was legit (it wasn't), so Snacob and I decided to make him a twitter account where we posted his picks. I immediately declared myself Zack's agent while Snacob took the Manager title. The goal was to eventually get Zack famous with his winning picks. After he gained a strong following and became a well-known super successful gambling insider, the plan was then for snacob and I to ride his coat tails the rest of our lives and live out the dream. Well, right after we made it and started posting his picks, he then went on to have a winning percentage of about 3% in the span of 3.5 weeks. We looked like morons and quickly shut down the operation before people could figure out Snacob and I were the ones running it. Long story short, this is just another example of all the morons who claim to have their own secret gambling formula.

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This is slanderous bullshit, Robby Chop Man. Being a big analytics guy (Economics degree from Yale), I did have a great formula for college football. If you want to consider a 59-33 record on college football crap, then that is fair. When it came to college basketball, the formula did not work out quite as well. I didn't quite have the numbers I was looking for an got cocky and not only let you and Jacob down, but our loyal followers as well. My apologies. Follow ZACK "The Insider" CARRICO on Twitter next year for all of your college football picks!

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I don't doubt that your record is legit. Overall you were pretty successful, but I think most of the losses you had came after we made the account :/

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I think I wasn't mature enough for the spotlight yet. Need some more time in the minors and I'll be ready for the big show come September.

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With that being said, we are in the lab working on the formula to make it better than ever for next college football season. Dont miss out!

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The people are fired up today in the comment thread! Here we go!

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Tom Donlan is on a rampage that can't be stopped

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Andy, great piece today. Going off of what you said about this competition bullshit, what the hell do they think is gonna happen? Moron Mitch is gonna be shit in camp and were gonna have to listen to more bullshit about him still learning the offense. He's crap, stupid and a fucking shit quarterback. I think they have to use the competition term because Mitch is such a mental midget and coward he won't be able to handle being benched. The quarterback that he couldn't beat out in 3 years in college is also struggling in the XFL. The goddamn XFL! But no were still going to have him try to compete in the NFL. Fuck you Ryan Pace, fuck you Mitch Trubisky.

As far as the gambling goes, I feel I was being called out for my analytics picks. They worked well for CFB, but nothing else. Maybe it is just a college football thing, but I'll be back next year to prove you and all of these other morons wrong. And guess what, Werner is the only one getting the picks because he still has faith. And Sean Katz, Sean I don't know if you are on here, but if you are thank you. If not, let's get Andy another subscriber.

Also, what the hell was that play Fran drew up last night for us to lose to Illinois?

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You forgot, in my opinion, the biggest fuck you....Matt Nagy!

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Z, If I remember correctly, snacob was the first to lose faith. I have text message proof!

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i've never heard about your picks but i would like to think that if i did i would still have faith in you

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You're a good man. Gonna need to have a chat with my marketing man Jason Werner and see where he missed. Welcome aboard!

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He was probably too busy eating gabagool and matzah ball soup

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I am also tired of people wanting to bring in "competition". If were gonna bring in a QB like Andy Dalton this off season I dont want to hear going into training camp that it is Mitch's job to start the season, call it how it is and say it is a competition and the better player will be starting week 1. Us fans arent idiots and we see right through Pace's bullshit these days, so he should just quit with the passive aggressive answers like "he can improve in some areas but lets not overlook the things he did well to help us win football games". Im just so tired of everyone trying to cover their own ass's for mistakes made, at the end of the day we're trying to win football games and need everyone working towards the same goal not working to save their job. It's March and im already worked up about football season. Can we get a weekly update of the MVP worthy numbers King James has been putting up?

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Lebron James is a bitch. Unless he has someone to defer to in tough situations, Anthony Davis, Kyrie Irving, Dwayne Wade, he ain't shit. Look at last year. No star followed him there so he took his ball and went home for the year and started looking for his next man to help reduce the load of being the best. I give him credit for not being a scumbag and for his physical endurance. That's it.

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I used to be Lebron's number one hater when he was in Miami. Then to piss Andrew off I became a fan. I think if he handled "The Decision" better and didn't have his "not one, not two, not three.." quote in Miami also it wouldn't have been a huge deal. He had no supporting cast the first go in Cleveland, and knew he couldn't win with them, similar to Mike before Scottie came. The only difference was that Lebron skipped town to find a ring, and I think he did so so he could stop hearing the no ring argument. It's a league where a second star is needed, and we are seeing now what he can do with a second star that's better than a 20 year old Brandon Ingram. Lebron is my MVP this year! I'm curious what everyone in Chicago's perception of him would be if he wasn't on that super team during the only years the Bulls have been competitive this century.

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LeBron is your MVP this year because you're a LeBron fan, not because of a single statistic that would point toward him having a better year than Giannis, all while playing with a guy that is twice as good as anyone on the Bucks.

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Well contrary to Lebron, Michael actually had some competition in the Eastern Conference before he went on to dominate, I.e. Pistons and Celtics. Too bad Lebron couldnt beat Michael Petrus and Jameer Nelson in the ECF.

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Ooooh the Eastern Conference that had 3 new franchises join in the late 80's and early 90's? Losing depth players from every team? Hmm..

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By that logic, the league is more watered down than ever right now.

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By that logic, the league is more watered down than ever right now.

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You can't teach what King James is doing right now. After a statement weekend i can see him edging out Giannis for the MVP.

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No one wants the opinion of a man who wears an "ITALIA" shirt to a St. Patricks Day Parade! Luckily for you, we know your family and that you are of good stock. I know your mother would not have let you leave the house with that shirt on.

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It did its job. It got a rise out of you Irishmen and then i buttoned it up and enjoyed a wonderful St. Patrick's Day.

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Listening to Golic and Wingo last week and they had one of Tom Brady's best friends(former lineman on Patriots) to try and get a hint as to where he was going. He said, Tom has two rules for any team he would join. No. 1) They have to have a very good Offensive Line 2) They have to have a very good Tight End. He went on to say that Tom Brady felt that many a good QB's were ruined by bad offensive lines. A bad offensive line causes habits that are hard to break.

I am not saying Trubisky is a good QB. I am saying we will probably never know because we blew No1) and No2) Rules. Bring in whoever you want, unless we get a line, a tight end and a coach, expect more of the same.

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I'm gonna come out for my first ever comment and say that competition is exactly what Mitch needs. I think you proved my point a little with your Cubs update. You think Happ and Almora are the hottest two Cubs hitters by accident? No, it's because they are battling for a job against each other. Mitch has known hes been the man in Chicago ever since he was drafted. Even when Chicago wanted his head hanging on the streets and thought Chase Daniel was our savior, Mitch knew he wasn't going anywhere. For Christ's sake the man was the most bet player to win MVP before last season. He had mentality "arrived". This off season is different though. Mitch may not be the man anymore and this is the first realistic time that is true. If Dalton comes in, Mitch will know he needs to step it up. I also want to make the point that a mid season "oh shit I may get benched" is a whole lot different than a preseason "my job is gone." With the latter, he has the whole off season to prepare. Mitch 2020

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Love the gambling piece. I don't gamble. I have A LOT of bad habits but thank god I don't have that one. If I believed everything my gambling friends told me, I would think that Gambling was like investing in Lulu Lemon Stock.

That being said, I don't see why you gamblers would all of the sudden want to give another part of your life to the politicians of Illinois for them to pick your pocket some more.

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