Jan 13, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

Don't start a ground war in Asia, don't spit into the wind, don't f**k with cats and NEVER sign a Colorado Rockies player based on his inflated Colorado stats.

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Big Facts from a Big Man

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Jan 13, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

The obvious answer is the Sox fans that put more energy into hating on the cubs than actually cheering for their team. I first noticed it during Elementary school When Nate Harris, one of the first sox fans I've ever met, wore his Cubs billy goat curse t shirt 3 times a week. Not every sox fan is like that, but its definitely a real thing considering I've never known a cubs fan like that. But a close second are the current Cubs fans, no DOUBT. When you go to a game now all you see are chicks with their phones out snap chatting their hot dogs with the field in the background. Unless you go to a game in the bleachers or your at a big game, you really start to notice how insufferable some of the fans are. I really noticed it when I wen to a cubs game this summer with my dad and they were going into their 25th consecutive inning with no runs. Here we are sitting their about to puke from watching this soft, gutless team try and muster up a single run, while everyone else is laughing taking pics with their $40 helmet nachos. Just embarrassing, really. I think Sox fans hate the fans more than the actual team. These people are the same reason why Donny, Zack and Snacob decided to watch game 7 in an apartment together rather than an Iowa bar. Spect.

Also, give me Arenado. IDGAF at this point. If cards get him I will die. An arenado trade will be the only thing that can get me excited for next season.

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This is the truest thing of all time. I had a troubling realization a few years back that there are so many insufferable "Cubs fans", particularly at the game. It's so brutal and embarrassing.

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Jan 13, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

I wasn't going to say Cubs fans because the ones who are knowledgeable don't bother me and i enjoy debating with them. The most frustrating Cub fan for me are the ones who talk shit about the Sox attendance and act like that is the most important thing in the world. You can be debating about certain players and once they run out of things to argue about they go the attendance route. The Sox fans show up when the team is good, I get supporting your team when they are down but it is different when Reinsdorf is your President. Sometime's you don't show up to prove a point.

I also will throw in Packers fans. I haven't met many from Wisconsin so i won't say them, but the ones from Chicago that hopped on the bandwagon are the absolute worst. Keith Rogalla and Bryce Wardell i'm looking at you boys.

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Jan 13, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

Can we throw penn st fans in there also? I know one and I cant stand to look at him!!

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cannot stand them

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Lol I appreciate the argument but I don't think Sox fans don't show up as a stand against the Reinsdorfs. I think they don't show up when the team sucks, period, which is totally fair

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Jan 13, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

This one hits close to home for me. My idiot brother for some reason likes the Baltimore ravens, his reasoning is that he did not like Mitch when they drafted him. So he chose to root for a city that is an absolute piss hole and also a place he has never been. He claims to like all of the other Chicago teams but obviously its not genuine if he gives up on the bears on the drop of a hat. and he likes lebron, can you really be a bulls fan if you like watching lebron?

People that put up the GIF of Ditka yelling go Bears from a few years back arent real fans. You need every person your friends with to know you're a bears fan? It's bullshit and they just using it for attention. I find it similar to what bobby said about the idiots sitting in the bleachers making cup snakes with all of their empty beers and taking pictures to show people theyre at the game. Fandom is something found within, you dont need to prove youre a fan by having a video of ditka or a picture of the ball park.

I was at a cubs game last season and this woman sitting in front of me was taking selfies the entire game while I minded my own business and watched the ball game. Then she took a picture of me and typed out the caption as "creep". I lost it on her. She is taking tickets away from people that care about the game.

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His generation is sick, it's not their fault. It's a disease. The mission of this newsletter is to be their medicine. One day, they will learn. Or else they'll learn on their death beds, as I said.

Bears fans that have to let everyone know their a Bears fan through social media are pretty goddamn annoying, unless it's genuine, which I agree is rare. (Unless you post a shirtless pic as Matt Barkley is slinging INTs.

I can verify that story.

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Jan 13, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

Says the man who switched from the Sox to the Cubs once the Cubs handed out free bucket hats at one game! You did the same thing as your brother!

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Jan 13, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

piss off, i kept it in the city!

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I'm back from a peaceful vacation and I want to ruffle some feathers. It bothers the hell out of me when people say things about LeBron not being good. That is just untrue. Just because you think Jordan is the best player of all time does not make LeBron a bad player. I completely understand if you think he's a corny asshole on social media, but you cannot knock him as a basketball player. I hated LeBron just as much, probably more, than the next guy in his Heat days for what he did to the Bulls. I said things to him on social media that would get me banned from flying both domestically and internationally. I had a realization about two years ago that I have had the opportunity to watch at least the second best player of all time throughout my life, so I figured I should appreciate that. Another reason I started to like him was because Andrew hated him so much and me being the good guy that I am enjoyed ruining his days with a LeBron argument. I would also like to point out that Jacob Werner backed me in these arguments, but decided to flip sides one morning when he woke up.

But I agree with Bobby about fans going to the game not giving a damn about the product on the field. I was also at the game with my dad when we were going on 25 scoreless innings, and the outfield had a beer snake going. Get your head out of your ass and say some positive words to our big ole left fielder.

Go Cubs Go Bears

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Well what dimwits are you surrounding yourself with that say LeBron James isn't good? Sounds like a personal problem.

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Late to the party on who I can not stand. Sorry if I offend people in this group but I hate people who aren't students of the game and spew false wisdom or opinions. People who don't understand that a QB coming into the NFL is almost exclusively dependent on the situation they arrive in. Good O-Line, Good Running Game and a lot of weapons to throw to equals a good QB. Bad O-Line, No Running Game and few weapons equals struggling QB. If you are lucky enough to get drafted by a good competitive team your development is much easier. That is why there are so many early QB draft picks that fail.

From an NBA standpoint, I can't stand people who watch highlights and tell you that people are really good. AKA Russell Westbrook. He is an incredible athlete and skilled player who just doesn't get the whole picture and therefore is a cancer. Same thing for Carmelo Anthony. Same thing for Trae Young, Zach Levine, Dwight Howard.......

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