Jan 6, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

Every Blackhawks championship moment was great. But two moments besides those stand out the most:

1.) The 2013 Rodgers to Cobb hail mary that ruined the Bears playoff hopes in week 17 stands out the most. Just a completely devastating day.

2.) Philip Humber perfect game, I think it was in 2012. Probably the most forgettable player to ever throw a perfect game, but he accounts for one of the few good moments in the White Sox decade.

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The Humber perfect game! What an omission! His ERA was 6.44 that year hahaha

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Jan 7, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

Little late to the thread but the Cubs World Series is easily my favorite memory of the decade. I’ll never forget letting Matt Hanson convince me it was a good idea for us to leave the house for summit after Javy went oppo. Horrible mistake. During the rain delay I sprinted home to watch the 10th and am convinced that sitting in that rat infested basement had something to do with the Schwarbers lead off single and then zobrists double. Yeah, I know I’m delusional. Best night of the decade. Iowa city was Wrigleyville West that night.

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Not delusional at all. Thank you for your service.

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Jan 6, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan


Game 1 of the 2011 Eastern Conference Finals, the Heat came into Chicago and got their teeth kicked in. One of the loudest sports venues I have ever heard after a couple huge dunks from Taj Gibson.

Hard not to throw the cubs world series in there, the streets of Iowa City were flooded with drunkards all rejoicing. And who's to say whether or not 3 sad drunk kids going home and watching 4 days in october after losing game 4 was the reason for the cubs comeback, im just spitballin. Whoever that kid is that left the packed bar seems like a real stand up guy with a lot of character and conviction.

As bad is this bears decade was it was always a pleasant surprise on Sunday watching the bears actually win a game. It was also nice being able to get as drunk as possible on, x mas eve before a noon bears game that matt barkely, without a care in the world and 0 expectations from the team. Were a few Xmas eves ruined? sure. But more importantly memories and traditions were made.

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Wow. This is wonderful. How did I miss the Xmas eve tradition starting?

2011 Game 1 no doubt a top 5 game.

And yes the Four Days in October AND We Are Your Friends viewings changed the course of history.

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Jan 6, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

Lets just say, if Efron didn't reach exactly 128 BPM to get Ratajkowski's hips going, the Indians win in 5.

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Jan 6, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

Is 6 grown men, screaming, pouring beer on each other, on a Wednesday night considered pathetic? I say it's all circumstantial.

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Jan 6, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

The 2015 Cubs season was my favorite sports season of the decade. The 2016 World Series was great, but the 2015 season was incredible as a fan. I agree with Charlie about the Pirates game. It had to be the only time in my life I've gone into watching a Cubs game and feeling like we were going to win. It felt the same for the Cardinals series that followed.

The best moment came in apt 1822 at 307 n College St when the Cubs won the World Series. Nothing was better than a good dog pile with a bunch of drunk 20 year olds. Also being sprayed with warm Bud Light was the best time of my life. Wish you would've smoked that cigarette on that balcony, but glad we were able to have a happy conclusion.

I also am a big bandwagon Hawks fan. Good excuse to drink and cheer for a team/sport that I know nothing about.

Another moment that stands out is a day in late April of 2017. The day when Ryan Pace drafted some asshole that decided two days before the draft that he wanted to go by Mitchell instead of Mitch. What a loser. I thought they traded up to draft Solomon Thomas and was pissed, but in hindsight that still would've been better. I wish we rode Mike Glennon through the full 45 million dollar deal.

Overall though, it was actually a pretty good decade to be a Chicago sports fan. CJ Watson hitting game tying 3's over Dwyane Wade and the rest of the early 2010 Bulls being the best watch on TNT on any given week night. The Bears made a couple runs (I still love Jay, Mitch has ruined the last few years.) The Cobb catch still stings but when the Bears win the Super Bowl next year it will all feel a little bit better. The Cubs winning the World Series will also go down as the single greatest moment of my life. Don't care about my wedding or the birth of my children, Cubs have that spot locked down.

Go Cubs, Go Bears, Go Bulls, and Go Hawks when the playoffs come around.

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Why do you hate Mitch and love Jay?

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Zack well said.. 2015 cubs was favorite season of decade. 2016 lead to my favorite moment of the decade. 2015 was all about fun but once 2016 rolled around it was more like okay now lets take care of business.

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Jan 6, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

The Hawks Stanley cups wins were a freaking blast and gave me my first taste of what winning was like. I have to admit, I am a bandwagon Hawks fan but let it be known that I am a huge die hard bandwagon Hawks fan. When the hawks are good, and only when they are good, I am the biggest fan in Chicago. anyways, I couldn't wait to see what it felt like to have a team that I actually followed win a championship. Thankfully, I only had to wait about 6 more years to experience that. while 16 cubs season was my favorite moment of the decade and will probably be my favorite of all time when its all said and done and i'm laying on my death bed, there's no denying that the 15 season was also incredibly special. That 1-2 punch of the 15 and 16 season outshines anything else that happened this decade by a mile.

Also how effing lucky are we to have got to experience those to two seasons while in college.

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Jan 6, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

I am also a DIE HARD bandwagon Hawks fan. I want to watch them more but I can only find myself doing it when they are good.

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Everything here is gospel, Robby. I think the 2015 season may have been as satisfying for me as 2016 personally.

So true re: college note.

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Jan 6, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

I am a LONG TIME suffering Cubs Fan. When they went down 3-1 to the Indians, I wanted to beat anyone in sight who said "that's okay, this is a young team and they will have plenty of World Series opportunities". I went to Game 5 and was proud they kept fighting and didn't submit. In the 7th inning of Game 6, a friend called and said "lets go to Cleveland for Game 7". I am not an impulsive dude but I agreed. The flood of Cubs Fans traveling east from Chicago was a sight to be seen and overwhelming to our Cleveland friends. I believe I stood for the entire game starting with Dexter Fowlers game opening home run until the Rajai Davis Home Run. The Cleveland Fan sitting next to me asked me as Chapman entered the game, 'Are we in trouble now"? To which I responded, if his first pitch is 100+ you are in trouble. If it is 99 or less, we are in trouble. It was 97! You all know how it ended but I wasn't confident until that ball was in Rizzo's mitt.

Three years later I imagine how pissy I would be if we had lost that series 4-1 and then flopped the last three years like we have. I still say, "In Theo I Trust!"

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Very well put.

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Jan 8, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

2 goals in 17 seconds. An incredible sequence of events. As a fan thinking we’re heading to a game 7 to Dave Bolland throwing his gloves in the air after scoring the game winning goal in the matter of a minute was an incredible swing of emotions. The hawks brought an incredible amount of joy to the city in the early years of the decade and were a goal away in the 2014 western conference finals from heading back to the Stanley cup. A 3 peat would’ve been unheard of in the salary cap strapped modern NHL let alone winning 3 cups in 6 years. Those hawks teams were incredible and a goddamn joy to watch year in and year out. Let’s not forget this team is a probably competing for cups still if Stan Bowman doesn’t make some of the most boneheaded decisions a GM could make. Joel Quenneville one of the greatest coaches to ever come through Chicago as well.

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Joel Quenneville, considering the nature of the sport he coached in, is up there with Phil Jackson and Mike Ditka. No doubt. That moment is an all-time moment in hockey history. Probably jockeying with Game 7 in 2016 as the best moment of the decade.

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Jan 7, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

moments are in mind. Cubs World Series was obviously the best but it was the first time any of my teams won anything. I had less time to enjoy it and just lived the moment. I would have to go with the bulls (thibodeau era) 2010-15. Hardest playing team for all those years. The best team hated playing us the most. A lot of fights. Something about getting home from school on a Thursday, Inside the NBA is on talking about bulls heat. Too much excitement.

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TNT Bulls forever

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Jan 6, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

When the Hawks won their first Stanley Cup of the decade in 2010 I was on a cruise ship in Alaska. I have never seen so many Blackhawk fans on a ship partying after that win. The next day our final port on the return trip was Vancouver and that was fun rubbing it in at the local bar to those canadiens.

As a lifelong diehard Sox fan there wasn’t much in this past decade. One day sticks out to me which happened to one of my all time favorite White Sox players, Mark Buehrle. Also in 2010, he was called for 2 balks in the same game by Cowboy Joe West and he tossed Buehrle when he just dropped his glove on the mound. It is worth the watch on YouTube as Hawk goes absolutely ballistic! Priceless stuff!

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Jan 6, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

A couple non-championship memories that stick out from this decade:

1) John Lucas III's fade-away jumper over over Lebron in a regular season game in 2012. I remember watching this game in my basement like it was yesterday. The Bulls sat DRose this game to rest, which opened the door for some more playing time for JL3 and CJ Waaaaaaaatson. A couple months before, Lebron had jumped over JL3 and embarrassed him while finishing an alley-oop. JL3 came out this game and dropped 20 some points, going right at Lebron. He showed the SGCTC resiliency that this 2012 team embodied. BEEP BEEP! Bulls Win 106-102 without Rose against a full Heat team.

link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chwpcK1Rom8

2) Cubs 2015 Wild Card game against the Pirates. Arrieta vs. Gerrit Cole. Although he came back to life the following seasons, Arrieta was absolutely untouchable in 2015. Although Gerrit Cole had a great year himself, I felt a strange overwhelming confidence heading into that game. This was an unfamiliar feeling. Arrieta pitched a complete game shutout (and got thrown at) and Shwarber had a three-run bomb.

Still love Sean Rodriguez punching the Gatorade Cooler for no real reason other than that Arrieta was a little upset he was thrown at.


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The first one ended the Heat's winning streak, no? 27 games in a row until John Lucas stuck a fork in it. Definitely one of my top Bulls games of the decade.

Second one is arguably my favorite Cubs game ever. Felt like something material changed as the game went on. Not the same ol' Cubs anymore.

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Phil Jackson

Mike Ditka

Tom Thibodeau

Ja Morant in a heart beat. What has Tyler Murray done? Nothing. His stats are similar to Mitch's and Mitch was playing for a good team?!?!? A good defense maybe but a shitbag offense with a horrible O-Line, no run game, no tight end and the worst play caller in the NFL(A stubborn one too). Not a good formula.

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All I have to say is that Kyler Murray vs. Mitch Trubisky stat line comparison makes me sick to my stomach

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The Wendell Carter "injury"(4 to 6 weeks for an ankle sprain) smells like the Bulls are positioning for another draft pick. Whats next? Lauri out three weeks after being poked in the eye. THis is the Gar/Pax plan. They have been doing it year after year. Its not working.

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Ja Morant please.

Also- feels like Quenneville is the obvious answer, but I am admittedly not a big hockey fan until the playoffs.

Thibs was the one I felt the biggest emotional connection with, mostly because he coached a few of my all time favorite teams. Maddon is definitely in there too, but his departure didn't tug at my heart strings as much as Thibs leaving, mostly because of the way they both happened. Also, I am a Cubs fan but I imagine Ozzie has to be number one or two behind Q for all White Sox fans.

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That clip of the Boylen not wanting to use a timeout in 2nd Quarter should be cause for immediate dismissal. What message does that send to your players. Its the second quarter?!?!? Do you really think you are going to use all of your timeouts?

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