Jul 8, 2022Liked by Andrew Donlan

Great article! First I want to acknowledge with pride your ability to keep people around drinking until 4am......I have taught you well.

Absolutely 100% agree with the USC/UCLA Big 10 situation. You are spot on. They don't belong. Picture our tailgates versus theirs. 15 Cases of beer, a couple of handles of Irish Whiskey, wings and chips out of the bag versus White Wine Spritzers, White Claws, vegetable tray and Cauliflower Chips.


The start of College Football Season is like a new lease on life! I hate to see it going in the wrong direction.

I was supporting LaRussa but after watching almost every Sox Player do something stupid each day as if taking turns, it might be a leadership issue. That Moncada triple play?!?!? WTF?

Lastly, no one raised in a northern metropolitan city dips their pizza in ranch!!!!

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Would love Harris or Bogdanovic. It really is tough to talk about the future of the Bulls without knowing the extent of Lonzo's injury. I wonder how much AKME is taking that into consideration for the high risk/reward moves that can be made.

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