Nov 10, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

Can we please recognize how (as bad as you may think Mitch is) he made this offense look at least a little better? He was able to make enough happen to where the problems that are arising now, which have always been there, were shielded by Trubisky's lack of success? Mitch would avoid a couple sacks after the lineman let everyone through, and THEN make a bad throw. Like at least he blinded the fans from the true problems of the team. What a selfless QB Mitch is. He ate the hate and never once had a meltdown. I heard from a little birdy that Nagy doesn't have much longer and that Mitch will be back out there soon after. I'm not sure what I want for the rest of the season anyways but I want change.

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I don't disagree with you at all generally, but the whole paragraph is just depressing. 'He'd make a few guys miss and then miss a throw.' I do feel bad for Mitch, don't think he's a fix to the larger problem at all, though

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Nov 10, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

I need to be careful that what I say doesn't get deleted by the author of this newsletter. But here it goes, you younger generations have a much harsher view of a DUI than us older fellas. I am definitely not saying we are right but if someone we know gets a DUI we say, "there but for the grace of god go I".

The Nagy situation gets worse every week and the sad reality is that the Bears, due to COVID related issues, do not have the money to eat his or Pace's contract. Therefore, this shit show will continue. The defense has been unbelievable. With an average offense, they would be the best defense in the league.

How bout them Irish!!!

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Alright take it easy guy.

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Nov 10, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

I watched the chiefs pull off some ridiculous formation this weekend where they had pat mahomes go in motion, catch the snap on the run and ultimately score a touchdown pass. It kind of reminds of Matt Nagys stupid shit on 4th down. The difference, the Chiefs are a well coached football team whereas the bears, that goes without saying. Matt Nagy can keep blaming the players for bad penalties but guess what Matt, that is a reflection on you. Is it wrong of me to want to see how bad this gets before they finally pull the plug on this stain on the rich history of the once proud Chicago Bears?

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The Bears and the Chiefs may as well be playing different sports

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Nov 10, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

I can't even think of anything to say. It was honestly more fun watching the 3-13 Bears than it is watching this. Matt Barkley and John Fox ran a more productive offense. I think my good pal Mitt is right and we have 2 more mediocre years until the Bears are back in the cellar completely. Matt Nagy can go to hell. I actually feel bad for all of the bad things I said about Mitch. I don't take them back but wow that idiot was dealt a bad hand.

2027 Bears are gonna be the real deal.

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"I actually feel bad for all of the bad things I said about Mitch. I don't take them back but wow that idiot was dealt a bad hand." Just an incredible piece of writing.

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Nov 10, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

I know we call for it every week what will it actually take for the McCaskey's to pull the trigger and get rid of Pace and Nagy? Sadly I could see Bears going 8-8 and same regime in place next fall with bullshit assistant changes so Nagy can say they're trying something new. Monday night is going to be miserable.

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If they don't pull it after that performance, I honestly don't know if they'll ever do it during the season. I have never -- ever -- been a guy who roots for my teams to lose, no matter their situation. I just can't do it. But I wanted the Bears to lose 40-0 Sunday. Something needs to get their attention.

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Nov 10, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

Same Bears talk every week. Nagy does not deserve this defense. Make Pagano our head coach and give the playcalling duties to someone with some fucking balls.

I said it kind of as a joke before but I stand by that Deshaun Watson would not be good on the Bears. No QB could succeed under Nagy and this current system.

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DeShaun Watson would be broken. I actually agree.

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