Mar 30, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

*Warning* *Warning*Hot take Alert:

I have been enjoying the Quarantine life. What's happening right now with the virus is horrible and pretty dang scary, but I would be lying to your face if I said I wasn't enjoying myself. Having no sports Blows with a capital B, but to be 100% honest I'd rather watch re-runs of the Bulls dynasty than anything today's NBA produces. The news of the MLB was devastating and it made me cry :(. But with the reruns of the cubs WS run and historical games like Kerry Woods 20 strikeout game, I have been pretty entertained. When I think about it, I'd rather watch these re-runs than watch the cubs blow late-game leads game after game only to end the season in 3rd place after another incredibly disappointing season. Fuck Tom Ricketts. With the re-runs airing and the release of MLB the show, I am pretty content right now. I have been able to watch all the shows and movies that I have been putting aside and have enjoyed every second of it (#FreeJoeExotic). But the best part of all this has been not having to drive a combined 60 miles to work every day and having to fake laugh at every single thing my lame ass wannabe comedian coworkers say to me. I miss hitting the town on the weekends and rippin my boys e-cigs (Shout out Zack and Duff), But it's probably for the best.

After re-reading what I have just wrote above, I am not even sure if I believe half of the things I just said. I do know for hundo percent that the re-runs will get old, I will start to cry abut baseball again, I will run out of shows to watch, my PS4 will break from overuse and I will soon start to develop muscle atrophy from laying around all day. I could probably do this for another month *tops* before I start to lose my mind and die.

Stay safe out derr yall.

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One of your finer essays.

Your relationship with the Cubs reminds me of Joe Exotic's with his husband Travis. Your not sure if it's love or hate but either way you're addicted.

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Mar 30, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

The "Double Nickels" Game could almost be the biggest reason why Michael Jordan is the greatest NBA Player ever. To not have played competitive basketball for 22 months and come into the NBA and throw 55 points at the best defensive team in the NBA is absolutely unbelievable. Lebron would have to have set the stage for his comeback. A couple of months of conditioning plus some relaxed play time and maybe recruiting a plyer or two to join him. Jordan was the most mentally strong and fiercest competitor I have ever seen!

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Mar 30, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

For starters, not having the score could have been fun. In addition to the money I would have probably had on the games, all the guys could live bet what they thought the score was before the next scoreboard appearance. Maybe this is just the gamble in me talking but that’s another story.

Ryan pace, this guy keeps finding a way into my heart. I respect the hell out of him for actually goin out making moves and throwing some cash around. Are they all good moves? Absolutely not. But with Chicago sports in general I feel like we’ve been stuck with GMs and owners with pockets tighter than the waste on my jeans. For the most part he is doing what needs to be done to bring us a super bowl. I love what he has done with the defense. Maybe we can come up with new roles for his gig, no say on the draft or offense.

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To stick with the cinematic metaphors, Ryan Pace reminds me of the criminal in The Other Guys. Whenever we come to reprimand him he makes us look the other way and sends us to an NBA game or a broadway show (he makes trades or signs someone to a big deal).

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I guess I like him because he does his job?

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Wow, they must have some really tight pockets to have them be tighter than the waist on your jeans. Most of your pants are bursting at the seams trying to stay around your waist.

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This isn’t a platform to tear others down.

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Mar 30, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

Quarantine brain has made it very difficult to tell what I’ve actually said out loud or have discussed in my brain. I like the foles signing for a lot of the reasons already mentioned, but having a QB that is able to read coverages Is going to be pretty cool. The jimmy graham signing is so damn confusing I don’t even know where to begin. I really hope that guaranteed money doesn’t get in the way of giving the extension that ARob deserves.

Watching the 90s Bulls has been so fun. The way Jordan dominates the game all with 16-18 foot jump shots is mesmerizing.

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Fortunately, I don't think that money will impact A-Rob's extension. The Bears are just going to keep backloading contracts and kicking the can down the road. Payroll is gonna be like $300 million in 2022.

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Mar 30, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

I don't think I've had any crazy quarantine takes over the last couple of weeks. Not positive, because around 70% of what I say is me talking out of my ass and not my mouth so I'm gonna need Will and Werner to fact check me on that.

But I like the Foles signing. When the quarterback carousel started I wanted Cam or Teddy, and I am shocked that the bears weren't comfortable to offer Teddy an extra year and $2 million dollars over Nick Foles, but that's a story for another day. Nick Foles is a guy that won't lose us any games, which is not something that can be said about Mitch. He also has a functioning brain, which is another thing that cannot be said about Mitch. He also doesn't have a disgusting underbite, which again cannot be said about Mitch. We have a defense that can win us games, and quarterback that can make the occasional big throw when necessary. I am so pumped for Mitch Trubisky to be out of the league next season. He clearly isn't good enough to be a starter, and is too stupid to contribute anything to a quarterback room as a back up. I'm all the way on the Nick Foles train. Also, Jimmy Graham, what the fuck? Ryan Pace is still an asshole. I do really like the Robert Quinn signing, though.

Also, good piece on Jordan. Many people think that I hate Jordan because I am a LeBron fan. I'm not sure why people can't like two different people that never competed against each other on an NBA court. I like Michael Jordan, a lot. Good work Andy.

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Thank you for reading and for the compliment. Those are always welcomed.

Your writing is getting a lot better. These comments are really blossoming.

Teddy's going to make a bit more than Foles over the next two years, and he was a free agent. I saw a report that Bridgewater was worried that the Bears would still start Trubisky, but that just doesn't make any sense to me. Honestly, who have we seen more from though, Foles or Bridgewater? Plus, one guy almost died/ lost his leg a few years ago.

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Mar 30, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

I found myself defending Paul Pierce from some random troll on Twitter saying that he recruited Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen in order to win a ring, when in fact Danny Ainge traded for them. I don't even like Paul Pierce and I hated that Celtics team.

I needed the common people to realize that Lebron is the one who ruined the NBA.

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Mar 30, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

I was really desperately in need of a "Still Gotta Come Through Chicago" fix. Let me start by answering your question about old time broadcasts. First of all, you had to pay more attention and there was a lot of discussion with the people you were watching with about, "Wait, are we up three now?" "No, we are down one!" But I remember baseball being the worst. You would have to wait until the end of the half inning to see the box score and sometimes those announcers were off on tangents trying to fill the dead time and you would have no idea what the game situation was.

As I understand it, the powers that be thought that the "scoreboard" took away from the viewing experience.

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I feel like baseball would be the easiest one to keep track of?

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