Feb 26, 2021Liked by Andrew Donlan

Man Chicago in general is just buzzing as a whole and I love it. Even if some of it revolves around hope. That Schefter tweet is hilarious. “I don’t wanna be traded but if I was this is where I wanna go.” Definitely wants to be traded. I personally would rather have DeShaun. I think leading the league in yards with that roster is incredible. He’s younger, faster but does have much less experience. Russ is a proven winner. I would kill for either of them and will speak it into esixtence that we will get one of the two. Who would you rather have?

I’m happy you said you wouldn’t wanna trade anyone at this point. There really is no need to break this up. They are winning games and becoming more and more of an attractive place to play. I mean the Bulls are a top 5 franchise when it comes to value and they have been ass for basically a decade. Future continues to be bright. I can’t wait to see how they come out of this skid of tough games

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I read an article yesterday that argued that all things considered, Deshaun Watson had the best QB season in the last like 15 years last year. The thing I worry about with him is the injuries, and on Soldier field? Yikes. Russ hardly ever gets injured, even if he's older.

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Andrew Donlan

Even though Andrew tried to cut me off at the pass, I will be that guy. Trading three first rounders for a good QB doesn't solve for the fact that the fault in this team is the coach and the play calling. So, you end up with, a better QB but the same shitty offense and NO FUTURE!

Also, by now, his friends in the league have reached out and told him to avoid Nagy! Not going to happen.

Also, vehemently opposed to trading Thaddeus Young. Don't mess with the chemistry.

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Or does having Russ and still being bad expose your coach?

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Andrew Donlan

The wording of the Russell Wilson trade is bizarre. Russillo had a great tweet "I like my wife but here are 4 women I'd leave her for."

4 first rounders? You mean an 18,19,20 and 21 year old for Wilson/Watson? Sure, sign me up. Throw a 17 year old in there also while you're at it.

This is the most excited I've been about the Bulls in years, and like you said I think selling at the deadline would be counterintuitive. The rest of the league will take notice when a competent GM/Head Coach takes this team to the playoffs and will make it an attractive spot for Free Agents.

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I like my wife but here are four women I'd leave her for was such a perfect way to put it. Didn't want to steal it in the newsletter. But wanted to.

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Andrew Donlan

I see these 4 teams and I can already cross out 2 of them. Russ isn't going to New Orleans for one reason, that would make him and his family too close to Future down in the ATL. The last thing Russ needs to be worried about when he is going into battle on Sunday is if Future is trying get back in good graces with Ciara. Secondly, Russ being a good Christian man wouldn't be caught dead in Las Vegas with all the sin that goes on there. Playing for the Cowboys would be awesome, but do you want to have to deal with the Jerry Jones circus and play for a coach that wasted one of the All time QBs prime years? I dont think so. Only logical landing spot would be Chicago.

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Jokes aside, I really do believe he kind of likes the idea of coming to Chicago.

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