I think the cubs benefit slight more in this division, only because of the Tiger & Royals. Not by much. The Cubs add the twins and Braves to strengthen their schedule. The sox add the entire NL Central, which is no free series wins with the exception of the Pirates. The Braves coming into the picture definitely sucks for both teams but I think Braves lineup is so young and cool it would be sweet to somewhat follow their club throughout the season. In conclusion, the division is stacked. Kinda funny this is the strongest division top to bottom by far IMO, and if you were to gamble on which division to most likely win the world series you're still taking the other two.

Side note: me using the world "club" to describe a team so sick of me. Baseball guy mike

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Completely forgot there was a newsletter today...Lets Go!

I love this MLB format given the circumstances. Trevor Plouffe said on a podcast (not Starting 9, I hate that piece of trash Carrabis) that he had multiple sources tell him that the news is true. Some would even tell him to take down his post despite it being true because this news isn't supposed to be out yet. I think the big Journalists are upset that Plouffe broke this news and they couldn't. I saw Keith Law crying about it on twitter, to which I wanted to reply "go back to playing your guitar on periscope to 30 viewers you loser" but I kept my cool.

Cubs would obviously benefit from this as they will get to play the shitty AL Central, but I think it would be cool for the Sox to really prove themselves in a tough division, especially with the Braves replacing the Pirates.

Lastly, FUCK Odris(?) Despaigne, that Sox rolled that POS out while Cease was dominating the minor leagues. Rumor is he'd smoke a cigarette in warm-ups and then throw like 3 pitches and say he was ready to go which is hilarious though.

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Can we get Eversley certified? Much like Big Art, everything that he has said has been exactly what Bulls fans want to hear. Just like that, I am fully bought in to Chicago Bulls basketball. Young Hollywood for MVP 2021.

Isiah and the dream team speculation really peaked my interest in the last episode. As someone put it on Twitter- Isiah Thomas had the resume, but people clearly didn't want to work with him. This happens with hiring decisions every day.

I do wonder what Isiah Thomas and Chuck Daly's relationship was like after this. I know it wasn't Chuck's decision, but still had to be weird as the head coach of the Olympic team, not to have the guy that just won you two championships on there.

As for baseball season- I say the Cubs and Sox just do a best of 100 series- winner stays.

I know that whatever we see at the beginning of sports coming back will be watered down and odd without fans, but holy shit I am itching for sports to come back.

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Post podcast discussed in the car, that feeling of accomplishment!

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These "Last Dance" Shows have been worth their weight in gold. I would have to say my favorite piece from 5 and 6 was the Dream Team "Practice" Games which Charles Barkley said the other day were some of the most intense games he ever played in.

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