It feels fantastic to be back! Fuck the Dodgers but I do really agree that they are the biggest losers with the shortened season.

I was unaware of that Trubisky press conference and couldn’t watch more than 3 minutes of it. Also, no wonder that guy can’t read defense because he can’t watch film with that Walmart WiFi connection.

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Wow does it feel good to be back and have a place to project my feelings about Mitch Trubisky. I think that it was wrong of the Bears PR team to make him do that interview. I think it was wrong that they made us, the 4th phase, listen to that moron try to put a coherent thought together. That might've been the hardest 20 minutes of my life, honestly. I mean what the fuck was that guy trying to say? I actually had to rewind the video a few times when I initially watched it because I couldn't make sense of any of the shit he was saying.

Do I feel bad that I make fun of this guy's intelligence and underbite? Absolutely not. Is it fair? Probably not. Life's not fair buddy! Yeah, it's not great that I take all of the anger of work and other things out on a guy I've never met, but it feels good. He sucks, and I will not allow him to ruin another year of the Bears while I sit in silence. I love Nick Foles. Go Bears.

Go Cubs.

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Ken Burns Vietnam is essential watching of an era that framed the world you snowballs are a part of. Watch it. That goes for the rest of history. The next time you feel sorry for yourself because you can't hang at Parlor on a Friday afternoon think of the 19 year old patrolling the jungles of Vietnam.

The nose picking is real. He is not kidding. Impressive show of vulnerability.

Lebron James, although one of the top five basketball players ever is forever tainted and incapable of climbing higher on that list because A) He has to always surround himself with his chosen team and stars; and B) When he knows he is losing(Mavericks Championship) he totally defers to others so he doesn't get blamed.

We all saw the greatest ever on the Last Dance. That should have sealed it.

If Foles doesn't start game 1, what are we doing?

Lastly, Joe Maddon sucked as a manager and that is where my pessimism came from. I am excited to see how pitchers perform knowing that a ground ball up the middle in the sixth inning when you are throwing a shutout 1 hitter won't get you pulled from the game.

The new relief pitching rules will cause him to have a coronary in the dugout.

Lastly, I see Andrew is finally learning from the great people of history. Teddy Roosevelt sums it up perfectly!

Okay. All caught up!

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