Sep 13, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

Loved this one! Got some real good laughs out of it. SO HAPPY ITS FOOTBALL SEASON!!!!! Bear. Down.

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Thank you brother! Appreciate you.

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Sep 11, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

Another great article Andrew. My comment? I think we all agree Corey Crawford is under appreciated by the NHL. I want more national and local love for Jose Abreau. Model of consistency over the years for the Sox. No off the field issues, no clubhouse issues, no media issues...just does his job (Hitting, driving in runs) year after year. Everyone, please show this guy the respect he deserves ! Another great SGCTC, keep them coming !

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Thank you Rob! Abreu undoubtedly deserves national respect, he hasn't gotten any because he's unfortunately been one of the lone, consistent bright spots on the Sox in the past decade.

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Sep 11, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

Maybe, since every quarterback who plays for Nagy sucks, he is the problem. No hiding this year. Your shitty offense of wide receiver screens without the threat of throwing the ball downfield won't work for the Super Bowl winning QB either. If a guy with the nickname "Big Dick Nick" looks like shit in your offense, you are the asshole.

The game last night was awesome. Felt totally normal to me.

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