Apr 10, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

O/U 1.5 seasons before Jacob and Carrico turn on Big ART? I'm hammering the under

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Apr 10, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

I would never turn my back on the masterpiece we call BIG ART!

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If he pisses me off I could turn on him within the next week. But for now I'm all aboard the ART train choo choo!

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Feel like they're more turn on player guys than turn on FO guys. Gentlemen, please advise.

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As long as the they’re making moves to get the pieces in place then I have no problem. I lose my patience with players that don’t produce while getting paid handsomely.

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Apr 10, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

Dam, Donny. I didn't think it was possible, but over the course of this week, you have managed to pump some bulls fandom back into me. You are like that one friend everyone has who majored in some medical bullshit during school and now hooks their friends up with an electrolyte IV for when they get hungover on the weekends. LFG #BIGART

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Apr 10, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

Agreed. Andrew has me JACKED up to be a Bulls fan again. I barely watched the last few years but will be fully on board next season. Can't wait to not hear anymore complaints about Gar/Pax. #BIGART is here to stay!

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Lets GOOOOOOO!!!! T-shirt is in the mail.

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Apr 10, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

This might have been some of your best work, I could really sense the passion in your writing. Throw in a couple caffeine pills at the bar while celebrating the big news and we have ourselves a night. If he is the vice president of basketball ops who is the president? Its going to be tough to see my good friend and drinking mate, Jim Boylen, get canned but it has to be done.

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No one higher than him in basketball ops. He's the VP of Bball Ops because Michael Reinsdorf is the president of the whole thing. Lots of titles vary by orgs.

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hopefully you two can still throw some tequila shots at the bell at Federales in the future, he will be missed.

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Apr 10, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

Andrew, don't worry about the spelling errors, we're all human. One thing I do have a problem with, though, is you describing the Bears offseason as "ancillary" because I don't know what the fuck that means. But after a quick Google search, it's another word I can shamelessly misuse in my vocabulary. Iron sharpens iron.

But let's fucking go. The combination of the Bulls being horrible and the Warriors being incredible the last 5 years has made watching the NBA unbearable. I didn't care about a single thing that happened in the regular season, and the playoffs would supply a few good games for entertainment but the whole time I knew the Bulls were horrible and the Warriors were winning the championship. I couldn't be happier those ships have sailed. That picture of Art taking pictures of the dream team is incredible, he seems like a very humble guy and I wouldn't mind him going up to Lake Forest and teaching arrogant douche Pace a thing or two about humility.

And I cannot stress enough how well these Lithuanian's know their basketball. I'd pay for entry at an elementary/middle school tournament to watch Team Lithuania share the sugar. It's ART! Seriously though, you would think Jay Wright was on the sideline coaching these teams if you watched them play for 10 minutes. Bulls win the Championship in 2024. You heard it here first.

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The Lithuanian thing is actually unbelievable. They are -- pound-for-pound -- by far the best basketball playing country in the world.

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Commented saying you weren't a FO guy hater and then read the second paragraph here.

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I actually think all of you have become better writers from commenting here, which I find hysterical.

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