Where do you get these crazy stories of fathers falling asleep during Bulls Games and wrenching their necks as they nod off??? Sounds like something you made up.

When Lebron walked on that court to argue Davis being thrown out, I absolutely lost my shit screaming at the screen of my IPhone for him to be escorted off and fined. Realize that it was 4am and the game had been over for hours when I did that thinking the refs could hear me.

I love this Bulls Team in so many ways. I love the hustle and the defensive effort.

As I drove in to work today I bounced between the Score and ESPN and listen to both of them talking about whether Nagy will get fired. I can't even comprehend that this is even a question. His quote this week, "It's not anybody's fault as much as it is everybody's fault". He is clueless.

Do we know any details on Cohen? Did he blow out his knee or have it amputated? Has he fallen out of favor? Is his style, the one that we preferred over Howard, now not what we want?

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The Bulls being 6-5 on this stretch is much more than we could have asked for. I remember saying that in this 13 game stretch 5-8 would be around what I would hope for. Great point about Zach and his defense, this is starting to become a point of pride for him as he proves he is a Max Contract type player. It is also a testament to the type of coach Billy is. Even in the loss to Portland- I had to stop and text you about how literally player, with maybe the exception of Vuc, has played above and beyond any expectations I had for them. I can't wait to see where this team goes when Vuc comes back and finds his rhythm.

On the Bears piece of it, excited to see Fields continue to develop. I think in a few years when Fields is a good QB and Nagy is out of a job we are going to look back at this whole saga and laugh at how miserable Nagy was. For now, the Bulls will have to take away some of the pain and I will continue to bet on the Bears opponent and stack my bank account.


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