Feb 21, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

I need to see what Lovie smith is like flustered and fired up screaming at the players. Only time we ever saw this guy was his post game press conference where he looked and acted like he just finished smoking a doobie in the locker room, or emotionless on the sidelines.We saw him show emotion one time; when he sprinted down the sideline as hester returned the opening kick. I would have loved for him to be Mic'd up and hear what he had to say. Love the 2nd newsletter of the week, Tuesdays was half assed and quite frankly i was pissed off.

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Frankly, we probably lost some readers.

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Feb 21, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

I don't get why people are sleeping on the Cubs. I was really anti Kris Bryant and wanted the Cubs to trade him then I got sad when it almost came true. You don't know what you got til its gone, but thankfully he's here and I love him in the leadoff. Rizzo is good for .290 and 100+ RBIs every year. Javy is an MVP. Billy Contreras is the man. Kyle Schwarber is giving souvenirs to people living on Sheffield and Waveland. Hell Jason Heyward is due for a .280 season. I'm ready to fucking go.

If I could have one moment mic'd up I would love to watch the Mirotic - Bobby Portis argument, it had to be the funniest banter in NBA history,. For a season though I wanna see the '03 Cubs and Moises pissing all over his hands. I'd also be so curious to see what the mood was like after that game 6. If they wanted Bartman's head on a spike or Alex fuckin Gonzalez's. Either way, can't wait for a Cubs 30 for 30 that has to come out some time in the next 10 years, probably when cheap Rickett's keeps over paying for rennovations and not doing anything to help the product on the field.

I'm also a proud Comcast customer and if I don't have Marquee Sports on there by opening day I'm picketing outside of Wrigley until I do.

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The Cubs are going to be good this year. The lack of excitement for the season is getting me excited.

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Feb 21, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

This years Bulls would take the cake for me. Sports are no fun when your team is good, anyways. I want full access of just how much these players roll there eyes at Jim Boylen behind the scenes. I need to see Thaddeus Young absolutely ignore him in practice. I demand to see Zach Lavine celebrating a 20 point loss to the Heat because he dropped 24 points on a 40% usage rate. I crave Boylen and Garpax's behind the scenes conversations. $55 a month easily.

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Boylen yelling "Don't forget to clock in boys!!" at practice.

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Feb 21, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

Andrew Donlan - Biggest Adam Eaton hater of all time for no real reason! Above average player on the Sox and was scrappy like Nick Madrigal, who you have claimed to like. The LaRoche thing was very weird though, he called him a "leader in the clubhouse" or some shit like that.

Also Kopech cut his hair for charity at Sox Fest I believe

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I mean, he was legit almost crying over Drake LaRoche being denied access to the clubhouse. It's borderline creepy.

And got it

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Feb 21, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

I wonder?!? I thought the Cubs were about to hire Espada. They held off and made a special trip down to see him during the playoffs. Could someone in MLB Front Office have said "Stay Away"?

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Feb 21, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

Can't we officially blame Chris Rumoro for getting the whole Blackhawks Team drunk in Phoenix when they were hitting their stride and literally have crashed since that fateful meeting?

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Feb 21, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

Some people can't handle drinking with Italians. But also:

Toews since the Arizona game - 8 pts

Kane since the Arizona game - 10 pts

Some may say I helped them

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Statements never heard before "Some people can't handle drinking with Italians"

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yes we can

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'85 Bears are a MUST for Hard Knocks. The characters on that team were unbelievable plus the tension between Ditka and Buddy Ryan. Fist fights in the locker room! Super Bowl Shuffle!

Also, the second round of Bulls Championships with Rodman! Imagine the weird shit we didn't see.

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Great point, although I think we'll see a lot of that with the new Jordan doc. That's why the '85 Bears doc was so good.

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