Sep 22, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

I am tired of listening to Chicago Sports Radio and hearing Trubisky get all of the blame for this. Nagy is a clown and he continually gets a pass because of 2018. Trubisky is not good but I am also not sure what he can do because he is constantly being hindered by Nagy. Everyone notices that Trubisky is much better when the handcuffs are off. If they are behind or being aggressive he looks passable. When Trubisky threw that pick in the early 3rd Quarter, Nagy decided to take the air out of the ball. That is what almost lost the game not to mention his moronic play calling at the end of the game. If you were going to attempt that 50 yard field goal then while did you roll Mitch out on 3rd down where he had to scramble to get back with in yards of the line of scrimmage? Run Montgomery up the middle or run a boot play. Its wide open. Nagy refuses to implement certain things. When was the last time you have seen a Bear Receiver run a fly pattern?? You have to be willing to throw it just so they think you might. We haven't done that in three years. No threat!

Nagy IS the problem.

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I agree with most of this, but I think there can be more than one problem. Nagy and Trubisky are both problems.

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Sep 22, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

We are at 2-0 by the skin of our teeth, the luck is eventually going to run out. In no way do I like Mitch or think he should be a starting quarterback, but its becoming obvious that Nagy is the problem with the offense. I watched Nagy on Cowherd today and I can't stand that smug prick anymore, he thinks he's the second coming of George Hallas. Im a believer that Cam would be terrible for the bears, I don't have any reasoning behind that besides the fact that I feel like the bears are cursed. We are going to see what our defense is made of this week, all hands on deck for this one. #beardown #4thphase

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Well put.

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Sep 22, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

After watching the Bears first two games, I am not sure what to think. While I do think Trubisky has looked more confident and does seem to be going through his progressions better, I don’t see it being sustainable. Also, I can’t keep watching a professional Qb throw the ball like Louie Kertgen.

Our upcoming games will be more challenging and I don’t see Trubisky lasting past the Bucs game. Nagy is going to continue being stubborn so he can get his ultimate wish of rolling with Foles.

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That's an interesting point -- so you think Nagy actually hopes they can eventually replace Trubisky, and that's why he handcuffs him? I like that take.

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Sep 22, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

It's a breath of fresh air to see The Renaissance Man do his due diligence in the coaching search. Even if from the beginning he thought Unseld Jr. was his guy, which I believe he will be, he's leaving no stone unturned. This coaching search is unlike anything GarPax ever did. With Hoiberg, GarPax were staring him down like Mitch to Allen Robinson on a 3rd and 7.

I was anti-Cam for the same reasons you stated, but I didn't have the ability to at least schedule a workout and see how healthy he was. I think the Bears are going to go 3-0 against the Falcons and I'm still going to be sick to my stomach watching them. Jake Matthews is supposed to be out this week which is big news for the Bears D-line.

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To think that the Bears would not workout Deshaun Watson, or at least do their due diligence on him, only to make the exact same mistake in free agency just a few years later is really damning for Pace.

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Back again. Kris Bryant. Can someone introduce this man to a CrossFit Gym? Can you imagine going to your Manager and saying "Hey coach, I got a problem. I am feeling a little tight in my right oblique." Okay, rub some dirt on it and get back out on the field. This is after he just spent two weeks on the disabled list for a Sprained Finger on his non throwing hand. You remember those when you were a kid right? Your finger turned purple and there was a little discomfort but you continued playing everything and didn't even tell anyone. Bryant, two weeks off.

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Don't think he needs a CrossFit Gym.

You could also argue it's playing through injuries that hurt him in the first place.

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Yeah. playing through that sprained finger might have given him a hangnail.

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