Feb 24, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

I can not say this enough, Fuck Tom Ricketts and his stupid Ted Bundy looking clown ass. I get cubs have been a top spender the past few years, but why the hell does that mean they should take their foot off the gas while they are still in their window?! Tom Ricketts thinks we are a bunch of morons. Honestly, how do you tell the people who you rip off every god damn game that you don't have any money. This asshole has cried broke for 2 years, charged us to watch his team on a network that half the dam city doesn't even have access to,, and worst of all, got rid of Giordanos in favor for Home run inn, which is objectively one of the worst pizzas of all time. He actually said a week ago "I don't think spending money this off season would have gave this team a boost." umm what? That's like saying I don't think buying glasses will help my shitty eyesight. Instead of helping a bullpen that is in shambles or paying our guy Rizzo, Tom decides that spending money on Trump campaigns is a better use of his money. This guy fucking sucks. Seriously. This doofus also said that the money for the renovations and the money spent on the team are completely separate and then couple years later said one of the reasons they haven't been spending is because they went over their budget for renovations and their plan for Wrigleyville...WTF?! So you are telling me the reason we cant fix the bullpen is because of the Bowling alley you built across the street?!The only person who hates this guys guts more than I do is probably Theo Epstein. Imagine being one of the best GM's in the game and having this Idiot hamper you from doing your job.

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Dude Home Run Inn is going to be WAYYYYY better at Giordanos. I totally forgot to write about that in this post. I was okay with that expletive-laced insane-person rant until you said that. Home Run Inn is great, Giordano's is the most overrated pie from the New York island to the redwood forest.

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Jesus christ.

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Feb 25, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

Yak-zies wings plus a half dozen Miller Lites before walking into an afternoon spring game at Wrigley? Stop it! Gives me chills just thinking about it

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Feb 25, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

And a mountain of fries?! Stop

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I actually did just get the chills

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Feb 24, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

Watch your feet with the JA Adande name drop! I could go on and on about my frustration with all of Chicago sports right now, but I'll stick to my favorite stadium/venue to watch a game. Very few things get me more excited than going to a big game at Soldier Field. Something about the buzz of being at a huge Bear game hits so differently than any other team. Wrigley in the playoffs is a close second.

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Bears playoff games are insane.

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Bro I'm just reporting.

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My close and personal- nay, best friend, JA Adande

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it's my job to report the information that I have available to me

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Feb 24, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

I don't care enough about the Bulls right now to have anything to say about them, even anything bad. I wish I was more of a Hawks fan but I am not, so I'm still silent on them.

Ryan Pace and Mitch Trubisky are still my top enemies in the world. Ryan Pace reminds me of the guy in Good Will Hunting that is so unreasonably cocky that he told Will (Will Hunting - the smartest man not only on MIT's campus but maybe in the country) that he will be taking his kids on ski trips while Will serves them at a drive thru. Ryan Pace is equally as cocky, and like this college kid who hadn't had a professional job, thinks he is the best thing since sliced bread. He has this smug look on his face all the time like his shit doesn't sink, and for what? He was so cocky that he drafted some other moron who can't throw a football, just based off of gut instinct. He saw Drew Brees in Mitch Trubisky (hahahahaha). He saw little traits that don't translate to football, and put my beloved Bears franchise in an idiot's hands. Accomplish something as an NFL GM before putting me through this hell, you smug assshole Ryan Pace.

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Haha okay fair enough, but where is this coming from? You a big Taylor Gabriel fan?

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Honestly nowhere I just like commenting on here. Ran a few things in Chicago sports through my head to say and couldn't get anything else out except to bitch about Trubisky and Pace on here for the 34th straight week.

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Feb 24, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

When the Bulls are good there is no better environment in sports, period. What really blows my mind is that Reisndork is letting 2 clowns run his business into the ground. Think about the money theyre losing out on every year being a complete dog shit team. This makes me think reinsdorf is a shit businessman and isnt fit to own an NBA team. Milwaukee -11.5 against who?

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Reinsdork! You come up with that one? I completely agree re: Bulls sports environment

Tonight against the Wizards. Looks like it's -13 now since the Bulls kicked the shit out of them last night.

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Andrew and Carico, you guys really need to lay off Ricketts and the cheap label. They had the number two payroll in baseball last year. What more do you want? Maybe a manager that manages will help.

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Feb 24, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

A few things! I want to watch the Cubs for free on my WGN provider, and since that isn't an option I at least want the option to pay to watch them from my Comcast provider. But similar to the Bulls brass, I don't want to hear excuses, especially about how we are strapped for cash. I'd ask for a little more creativity and willingness to throw some money around. Granted we are not the Yankees, but we are close. Steinbrenner finds a way every year to be in the market for a guy that can turn the franchise around or take them over the top. I liked Maddon until last year and think he deserves a statue outside Wrigley, but I think the managerial change will hopefully be exactly what we need.

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I said exactly this. I wouldn't complain about spending money if he didn't answer questions so terribly.

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