Dec 21, 2021Liked by Andrew Donlan

"Dumb Ass Dad?" You don't want to open that door.

I went to bed at halftime. I have seen this movie too many times. I could tell that asshole was calling plays without being told he was. When we get inside the red zone everything falls apart. I have seen enough of Sean Desai that I want him back, That defense had no quit in them and frankly a lot of fight.

As I went to bed, I wondered how a professional(anyone related to the NFL) could sit and watch that Bears offense and not FIRE Nagy immediately. It is incompetence and every day it is allowed to continue it sinks deeper into the bones. Trubisky is a bad pick(Are we sure?). Kmet is a bad pick(Are we Sure?) Miller was a bad pick(are we sure?) Fields looks inconsistent. Was he a bad pick?(Can we be sure?) As long as this moron is preparing these men for games and designing a game plans and calling plays, I don't think you can judge them.

Polar opposite......Billy Donovan!

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Agreed on Desai, especially given how thin the depth chart has been there, the way the defense has played at times has actually been impressive.

The issue with Kmet is that he's just dropping the ball. Like, it's not a scheme thing. He's not catching balls he should.

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I seem to notice that our Tight End seems to always have someone draped all over him while trying to make a catch and the others in the league are running free due to a scheme advantage.

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Dec 21, 2021Liked by Andrew Donlan

Don't want to waste my energy on the Bears anymore. God bless the 4th phase but I am now quietly rooting for whatever prompts the overhaul the quickest (if last night wasn't enough).


I love McKinnie. Lets get him on the roster when everyone is healthy in favor of Matt Thomas (lights out in shoot around but will never make an impact). I was amazed when I did some digging on McKinnie. 2 years at Eastern and 2 years at Green Bay, averaging 7 ppg and 5 boards in his career. Now fighting to live out his dream. Lets get a damn C on his chest (SGCTC certification- not caption).

I have had hopes for Devon Dotson since we got him as a UFA after the draft but realistically he won't ever be in our rotation from what I've seen.

Also was at the game with you when they did the celebrity lookalikes. The common one was bad but there were some other ones that were equally as bad that I can't remember. Essentially it was famous (person of x race) pan the crowd and find another person of the same race that looks nothing like them. Think they showed a Mexican guy as an Aziz Ansari lookalike. Brutal.

Last point. How sustainable is this Demar scoring? I've been expecting natural regression at some point, but have yet to see any signs of it. Having a second option to take over 4th quarter scoring and having the experience to close out games has been such a treat. That being said- can we stop having him bring the ball up the court? What's wrong with having a better back court ball handler bring the ball up the court then having Demar pop out off the screen. Honestly sets the natural flow of the offense up better and doesnt risk Demar spinning into a double team at half court.

Don't wanna talk Covid but hoping some herd immunity gets this all out of the way and we're seeing all healthy rosters in a month. LETS GO BULLS.

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McKinnie is absolutely SGCTC-certified and I couldn't agree more about him in lieu of Matt Thomas. One can play a role in a playoff game where there's no chance the other one would.

DeRozan's scoring may not stay as high as it is, but I don't honestly think it will taper off that much. His career arc is under-the-radar one of the most interesting in the league over the past few years. He's been a 60% true shooting guy over the last three years. Basically his second year in SA and on. before that he was at 55% at his highest and often near 50% toward the beginning of his career. As weird as it saying for a guy that is 32, I think this NEW DeRozan is here to stay. (There's also no reason to have him bring the ball up the court, especially considering where he makes his mark).


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