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I was mad at the Cubs for letting Javy go. When I saw what Bryant signed for, I was mad the Cubs didn't pay him that. I thought he was worth that. I thought Schwarber was worth another shot as he was getting better every year. And Rizzo took less to stay with the Yankees.

Right now Rizzo is batting .209. Baez has been benched for a untility player while he is currently batting .197 and has regressed back to having the highest chase rate in baseball, something Ross was having success changing about him. Bryant hasn't played in close to a month and has no timetable for a return and hasn't homered IN COLORADO! Schwarber homered last night but still can't get his average above .192.

My question is "How in good god's name did we win a World Series with these guys???

Lastly, I turn the TV off every time Jason Heyward comes to bat. I can't watch a gut get paid $25M a year to ground out to second three times a game.

Tell me about the kids we got for those worthless players!

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