Feb 11, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

Trading Jimmy back in the Summer of 2017 shocked me. To this day I’m still upset about it but looking back on it now I have some bulls friends that say they would still have traded jimmy in hopes for a better rebuild. Clearly whatever rebuild plan garpax had in mind failed miserably (what’s new). Would you have traded JB back in the summer of 2017? I certainly would have preferred to keep him and try to build a contending team around him. These past 3 years have been frustrating as hell and the future is as bleak as ever. Good to see jimmy thriving with Miami thus far

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At the time, my philosophy was -- you're trading a top-12 player in his prime, what is the point of the trade? To try to get another top-12 player? Didn't make sense to me. The Bulls viewed it like he was their only asset and thus their only way to get better, through trade. If you're an organization in a major market you should be able to manage that. Draft better. Shed salary. Sign free agents strategically. Don't sign D-Wade to a deal that will pay him $40 million for playing 60 games.

I was also immediately disappointed with the return. No shot should you ever swap a draft pick there. Dunn was also clearly not what teams thought he was going to be. He had one of the worst rookie seasons for that high of a pick in recent memory.

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Feb 10, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

Its officially baseball season and I am struggling to figure out my approach to this Cubs season. I want to go in with somewhat of a positive attitude but its hard to do that especially after another extremely disappointing off season lead by the greedy, racist Ricketts family. I was a member of the trade Bryant camp, but at this point they should just keep him. A Bryant trade was supposed to open the door for some moves this offseason, but they clearly have no intentions of doing so, so you might as well hold on to him until at least the deadline in July. The blockbuster trade between the Dodgers/ Red Sox, has put me at peace with the potential train wreck of a season the cubs could have. It's the Dodgers league to lose at this point. I placed a decent amount of money on the Dodgers to win the NL, so at least I will have a rooting interest come October. With all that being said, I am holding onto a sliver of hope that this offense might finally grow some balls this year and start living up to their potential.

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Couldn't agree more. Least excited I've been about a Cubs season since 2014.

And you're right, no need to trade Bryant for 50 cents on the dollar at this point.

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Feb 10, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

And people say Devin Hester was just a returner...

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Never you though. That's something you've never said -- that's what I've always said about you. That you've never said Devin Hester was just a returner.

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Feb 10, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

I read a great quote that is very applicable to Jon Paxsons lack of knowledge. Here it is-"the distance between what you know and what you dont know is a country mile and an ass whippin" I dont understand it at all, but Paxson sure does deserve an ass whippin

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T-shirt idea: Pax's face on the front of it and this quote on the back.

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Feb 10, 2020Liked by Andrew Donlan

I appreciate the picture with the Hawks players. I can confirm that Toews admitted to being too drunk to take a photo, and it definitely showed in their next game.

It would be interesting to see Tarik Cohen's total yards and yards per reception compared to the other guys on that list. I can't imagine he is even close.

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Good question.

-Matt Forte: 2nd all-time in receptions, 7th in reception yardage

-Alshon Jeffery: 7th in receptions, 3rd in yds

-Brandon Marshall: 9th in receptions, 12th in yds

-Desmond Clark (retired in 2010): 12th in receptions, 24th in yds

-Devin Hester: 15th in receptions, 20th in yds

-Martellus Bennett: 17th in receptions, 31st in yds

-Tarik Cohen: 20th in receptions, 47th in yds

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Forte - 8.5 Y/R

Alshon - 15.0 Y/R

Marshall - 12.6 Y/R

Clark - 10.9 Y/R

Hester - 12.9 Y/R

Bennett - 10.2 Y/R

Cohen - 7.6 Y/R

Not bad. I probably just have some PTSD from all the useless dump offs to him this year.

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