Oct 28, 2019Liked by Andrew Donlan

I’ve been team Nagy every week but fuckkkkkkkk man. I don’t even think the FG/end of game decision should be the main focus. IMO in hindsight the field goal miss was a poor decision but how about Pinero just makes the goddamn field goal? He’s kinda been cash all year (besides this game) and he’s kicking at his home field. I would just love to know when FG kicking became so goddamn difficult. Maybes it’s like the juiced balls in MLB but it’s shaped differently and these dumbasses who literally do NOTHING but kick died goals in practice could make it look a little easier. Back to Nagy - The amount of Unsuccessful in the RedZone is actually wild. It’s funny too cuz it feels like even if it 4 and goal with 2 inches left, Nagy would still have pulled out the FG unit if they were down 4. I thought Mitch looked okay and he finally showed some life (first time in 7 games) after he turned a sack into a first down on the final drive. Hey Mitch how about you bring that energy throughout the game instead of trying to get us to sympathize for you while you hang your head after every possession. Mitch still sucks. Nagy’s bald head is starting to look more and more like an ex porn star as opposed to a coach each week. Hick’s being out is allowing team to eliminated Mack’s presence. They will go 8-8 and look back at this lay up. FUCKKKK!!!

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Oct 28, 2019Liked by Andrew Donlan

Like a turkey pot pie on a brisk Chicago Thanksgiving - stick a fork in ‘em cause they are done like dinner.

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Oct 28, 2019Liked by Andrew Donlan

Where to begin. I am a 5 on the Bears. That Defense is still really good. THe offense will get better because it absolutely has to. At the same time, I want kudos from my son and some of you others on the fact that I told you as far back as last year that Nagy scared me. All of that BS at the start of the season where he wanted us to believe he was smarter than Bill Bellichek and Sean Payton. He was going to revolutionize the NFL. Bullshit. Let me take it a step further. Would Mitch Trubisky be a significantly better QB if he were drafted by another organization?!? We had 388 yards of offense. We moved up and down the field until the genius started calling plays inside the 10 that looked like OPRF Youth Football a la Dennis Alcock. What the hell was that dive play with no timeouts on second down at the 1?!?!? Trubisky's interception was bad but the fumble was Leno's fault.

I say, play Trubisky uninhibited the rest of the year. Take the training wheels off and lets see what we have. We are not going to the playoffs, lets try to develop him. If it doesn't work, address it in the offseason.

Jacob, I will absolutely still take you up on the 4-12 bet.

I wanted Espada but I am still in the mode of "In Theo We Trust"! So, I will sit back and watch.

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Oct 28, 2019Liked by Andrew Donlan

I was at the game and I have to say the energy from the fans is not good. You can hear the entire stadium is ready at a moments notice to start booing Mitch and our offense the second they make a mistake. It blows my mind in the first 3 red zone trips we didn't target our only player on offense that actually makes a difference, Allen Robinson, and we almost didn't target him all game. My confidence level was about a 4 after the game and then dropped to a 2 after hearing Matt Nagy's absurd post game press conference. A lot of issues and not a lot of answers coming from this roster. We need a shake-up quick but Pace is overly confident in his draft picks and player acquisitions. God forbid we might need to ship a guy like Leonard Floyd instead of praying every game he will look like a first rounder while he turns out sub-par performance after sub-par performance.

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Put the guns down Chicago!!! Not sure booing the quarterback will do much besides make him worse or get you Chase Daniel, a 5-11 career back up.

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Oct 28, 2019Liked by Andrew Donlan

Donny, I won money gambling this week for the first time in 2.5 months. If I could, I would trade in my winnings of a whopping $70 for a chance to punch Matt Nagy is his dumb little face. The guy is as arrogant and as dumb as they come. He should have handed his Coach of the Year award over to Fangio at the end of last year and bought a one way ticket to Fraud-ville USA. Offense flat out blows and defense has regressed an eff ton. How could I rate my confidence any higher than a 1 right now?

As for David Ross, If Theo doesn't fix the mess he made and Rickets doesn't open up the effing wallet for the second year in a row, it wont matter who is managing this dumpster fire. With that being said, I am fine with the hiring just as long as Ross is comfortable with telling Rizzo's slow fat ass to stop stretching doubles into triples.

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Congrats on the solid gambling week brother

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Oct 28, 2019Liked by Andrew Donlan

Feel like North Dakota has good fishing.

That being said, my confidence meter is at about a 4 (granted I missed most of the game because I was flying, if I had seen the whole thing, I'd be in the 1-2 range I imagine).

Not sure how I feel about Ross. It's gonna take one 3 game skid and a corny comment to the media for me to absolutely despise this hiring.

Was in the same boat as you about Espada, didn't even know who he was but read one column from @RushingBaseball for me to decide that he is the only suitable option.

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You having a 4 overall for confidence honestly kind of gave me some life.

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You must have been traveling from Colorado because you’re HIGH if you’re that confident in the bears making the playoffs. Put down the pipe!

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Oct 28, 2019Liked by Andrew Donlan

First off, Nagys post game press conference was sickening. He was acting like losing yards at the end of the game running the ball was a certainty in life, like death and taxes. It's sad that I jumped out of my seat the three times Mitch completed a pass greater than 15 yards, but like you said, that is the standard he has set for himself. No chance in hell this is a playoff team. Mr. Donlan, I'm ready to take you up on the 4-12 bet.

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Nagy also elected to kneel the ball, which is literally a guaranteed 1-2 yard loss. Him acting like a Montgomery handoff would've been riskier than North Dakota sushi (came up with that one on the fly) is just dumb. Just admit you messed up.

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I’m a big fan of Matt Nagy; I think he’s done a fantastic job of establishing a team-first culture that emphasizes camaraderie in the locker room. Another aspect of Nagy that I admire is his ‘Be you’ philosophy.

Nagy has embodied this pretty well up until that last drive on Sunday. The Nagy of last year was known for taking risks & having clever trick plays up his sleeve. Like the loose environment he has cultivated among the guys, his play calling, too, was loose, clever and freewheeling.

But man, keep punching that ball down the field, Matt! Mitch actually found some rhythm on that drive — just like he did on the final drive against Philly on January 6. But both games ended in devastating field goal misses — I blame the former miss on *insert name.* His last name is like that garbage hot dog place at Harlem & Madison (how is that still open?) The matter miss, however, I do not blame on Eddy Pineiro. I blame it on Matt Nagy’s questionable complacency. And he made it even worse in the post-game press conference. That’s the part that made me even more upset with him. Nagy highlighted two things addressing the media: 1) that he has a lot of faith in the offense & 2) that the media is proposing quite a lot of what-if’s. Yet, Nagy did nothing but contradict himself.

This was literally the one game all year where we actually showed signs of a running game. Montgomery had some plays that looked similar to what Josh Jacobs did against us in London. We were actually gaining yards on the ground. Montgomery was turning 2-3 yards into 5-6 yards against the Chargers. Wouldn’t having faith in your offense translate to calling 1 or 2 more plays before settling for a field goal, especially with 40-something seconds AND a timeout? The defensive, stubborn Matt Nagy continued when he claimed that the reporters do a lot of what if talking. Coach Nagy - you were the one spitting out what if’s. He kept emphasizing what if we run a couple more plays and there’s a fumble or a sack, then we are out of field goal position. If this is how you’re going to think about your offense from now on, Coach—proposing worst case scenarios—then it’s not going to go to well. Trubisky actually gave you a reason to trust him on that drive, and Montgomery was grinding out yards all game. AND you know what happened on that winter night against the Eagles. Why not get closer? On NFL Network, Deion Sanders said a 40-yarder is a layup and that Nagy did the right thing. I heavily disagree, Mr. Sanders.

For obvious reasons, field goals don’t equate to a layup when you’re wearing a Bears uniform and you’re at Soldier Field.

Sure, many other things happened outside of that last drive. But moral of the story here is punch the ball further and keep the Chargers on their toes. We had them where we wanted, and we settled.

This was a painful, painful loss. Minnesota and Green Bay keep winning, as do most of the NFC teams we are fighting up against for that wild card spot.

Before week 1, I predicted 6-1 or 5-2 at this point. I really did. I thought the offense would make that leap they needed to in order to properly compliment our tenacious defense on all levels. But we’ve put the D in terrible situations lately. Also, I should say, the times we really need the D to come through, it doesn’t seem like they do. The one that haunts me most is when Golden Tate caught that 4th-down TD from Foles. I digress....

My confidence level is probably a 5, Andrew. And that’s a bit too optimistic. I’d like to think they’ll light a fire inside themselves before this Sunday to avenge that loss to the Eagles and win that.

Eagles - W; Lions - W; Rams - L; Giants - W; Lions - L; Cowboys - L; Packers - W (yeah, you heard me); Chiefs - L; Vikings - W

Bears finish 8-8.

Tough time to be a Chicago sports fan. Go Bulls! Go Hawks, even though they give up a touchdown every other night (I love you, Seabrook & Keith, but maybe time to hang up the skates. And why did we ever get rid of Joel Quenneville?)

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Patrick—wonderful note. Couldn't have said it better myself. I also have a lot of controversial takes on Parky's, but will have to tell you some time in private.

The lack of self awareness from Nagy's presser was truly astounding.

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Perhaps a separate weekly story dedicated to OP-RF area food takes?

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Have you every had Parky’s fries? Actually an insane batch of fries IMO

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Been years. I ought to give them another try. Thanks for the suggestion, Nowicki!

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